How does the review process work?Two reviewers (lead and secondary) from the Pulses editorial team will be assigned to your blog post.  They will be functioning as Peer Coaches and will engage you in dialogue about the writing through the use of questions and comments.  The goal is to promote clarity in the writing and rigor in the content’s presentation. All Pulses editors may read and provide input, but the lead peer coach will be your point of contact and make the final call as to when the article is ready to publish.  This review is intended to be a helpful conversation between you and the coaches, rather than a traditional peer review with strict requests.  
How do I refer to a Pulses article on my CV or how do I cite a Pulses article?Where you list the blog post on your CV depends on how your CV is organized. For many people, blog articles may fall under “other publications” or similar header. The recommended format for referring to the blog article on your CV (or cite a blog article) is:

Author(s). Title of blog article. Pulses. A Pharmacy Teaching and Learning Scholarly Blog. Date Published. URL of post.

Cain J.  The consequences of never being wrong. Pulses. A Pharmacy Teaching and Learning Scholarly Blog. June 22, 2017. http://www.pulsesrx.com/2017/06/22/ConsequencesNeverWrong.htm.

My work has already been published in an article or I plan on publishing this work in the future, can I also submit a blog post?The writing submitted for a blog post must be original work. It cannot be copyrighted elsewhere. However, you can still write a blog article related to your published work. The blog article may focus on a unique aspect of the work that is not published elsewhere. This could include things such as (but not limited to):  

  • a piece of the methodology or data that you weren’t able to fully unpack in your article, 
  • further discussion on the outcome of your research, 
  • future research opportunities in the area, 
  • questions arising from your work.  

By elaborating on a unique aspect or facet of the work, writing a blog should not preclude you from submitting your work to any journal for publication. 

How do I submit an article to be published?Use this Word document as a template and send your submission to pulsesrx@gmail.com.
What is meant by “peer coaching” and how is that different than “peer review”?Pulses operationalizes peer review by utilizing a peer coaching model. Writing in a blog format is different than writing traditional academic pieces. Peer coaches will utilize un-blinded feedback to collaborate with authors directly to create quality work. Peer coaching may provide feedback on your article related to content, tone, formatting, and writing style. The turnaround time for blog articles is much faster than traditional publishing, but authors should be aware that articles may need to go through multiple rounds of peer coaching before being published.
What will peer coaches be looking for?  See our author guidelines.
Why write and publish a blog article?Like other forms of publishing, writing for the blog provides an opportunity to create scholarly dialogue on trends of interest to pharmacy education through timely posts on current topics. Writing for the blog has unique benefits, too. For early scholars, writing for the blog can provide an outlet to promote your work and advance your writing skills in an approachable setting. More seasoned authors can use the blog to share insights from their research processes, such as challenges faced, preferences for particular methods or analytic techniques, or nagging questions. For all authors, writing for the blog can support positive writing practices and allow for sharing of scholarship in a timely fashion.